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Statue NAPOLEON BONAPARTE online sale Italian NAPOLEON BONAPARTE online made in Italy NAPOLEON BONAPARTE from Florence Tuscany




Product code: SR73446
Bronzed Resin Statue finished by hand in each particular detail. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) was one of the greatest military leaders in history and emperor of France. He expanded the French empire by winning wars and conquered much of Europe. His Napoleonic Code influenced numerous civil law jurisdictions worldwide. At last, he was buried at Les Invalides, Paris.In Napoleon Crossing Bernard Pass, the gesture showed the observer the inevitability of victory and ordered his soldiers to follow. In the painting of Napoleon in Coronation Robes, he wore the grand collar of the Legion of Honour and held a scepter surmounted by the Imperial eagle. It showed the glorious moment in his prime time.
ht: cm 28

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