Cookie Policy

Payment type

All products purchased on the web site are sold directly by Marsili's Company snc, established legal and administrative V.Borgo S.Iacopo 23 / r, 50125 Firenze (Italy).
The images displayed on the web site may differ significantly from the actual product available as handicraft production

Product availability In the detail of each product will be updated the availability in terms of time. Given the particular rate of change of the online market, it is possible that some offers or articles, have since sold out. We reserve the right in this case to contact you as soon as possible to cancel the order (no charge for both sides).

The prices displayed on the site include taxes.
VAT on sales to US destinations / Canada, Asia, Africa, Oceania, South America, the Middle East and countries outside the EU will be deducted at the time of indication of the place of delivery of the goods purchased .These purchases benefit of the deduction of VAT Art.8 DPR 633.
The VAT on sales to EU business entities in possession of a valid EU VAT number (which requires an invoice with VAT regime of non-application of VAT pursuant to Art. 41 D.L. 331/93) will be deducted if the purchase is made for business use and not personal.

Shipping charges are not included in the prices shown and will be applied in the payment phase will be dependent on the weight / volume of goods purchased and the country where it will be shipped.

Customs Tax on sales outside the European Union: purchases do not include the customs duties for imports of countries like USA, Canada, Japan and all countries outside the EU.

Billing: For every order Marsili's Company snc will make the invoice of the purchase.

Customer Service: Customer Service of Marsili's Company is available to provide necessary assistance at all stages of purchase and for all business information.

How to buy:

Enter in the web site, sign (x use the wish list and view your orders), look at the Products grouped by categories on the left.

Each image can be observed in detail by clicking on the photo, click on the red band at the bottom of the picture to open the item details.

Use the "Wish List" to store the products.

STEP 1 (SHOPPING) Once you find the item you want to buy, click on the Add to Cart button will open a screen where you can choose continue shopping" or "proceed to checkout", clicking "proceed to check-Out "opens a screen with the list of goods in shopping cart then simply click" proceed to checkout "to go to the next step.

STEP 2 (AUTHENTICATION)) Insert your username and password and login to your account, if you do not have an account register and create it..

STEP 3 (FREE) Choose the mode of payment, and purchase.

Quality, Warranty, Returns:

For any specific request for Operation and Maintenance, please write to:
If the customer likes to return a product purchased, Marsili's Company informs its customers to protect the rights and interests of consumers through compliance with the provisions of the law on the subject of:
  • Transparency of the conditions of purchase
  • Right of withdrawal
Purchases made on site Marsili's Company snc are subject to the rules set out in D.L.50/1992 114/98 and 185/99 and subsequent laws on the exercise of the right of withdrawal for the consumer.
The customer who wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal must submit within ten (10) days of receipt of the product a letter with acknowledgment of receipt or an email PEC or a fax, expressing his wish to avail oneself of the benefits granted by Legislative Decree 50/1992 114/98 and 185/99 and following laws and a copy of our receipt and / or our invoice.
The notifications referred to in the preceding paragraphs should be sent to Marsili's Company, registered office and administrative Via Borgo S.Iacopo 23 / r, 50125 Florence Italy, must contain the information on the product, the reason for the return, the sequence number of order issued at the time of purchase / order and be communicated by the same person who made the purchase.

In case of return for not liking the customer within the same period of ten (10) days of receipt of the goods shall return to Marsili's Company by post or courier or other means he chose the item for which he intends to exercise the right of withdrawal ,all shipping charges will be borne by the customer.
A necessary condition for the exercise of the right of withdrawal is the integrity of the product and the packaging (return to normal condition as it has been preserved and possibly used with the use of reasonable diligence).
For the convenience of the customer, the product must be accompanied only by the invoice attached to the product at the time of delivery.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice in which the consumer expresses the intention to exercise the right of withdrawal, and once had returned the product whose purchase is subject to withdrawal, Marsili's Company will reimburse the bank transfer of the value of goods purchased excluding shipping costs.
In case of return for product defected a courier sent by Marsili's Company will collect the goods at the customer and the shipping charges will be borne by Marsili's Company. Marsili's Company agrees to return within 10 days of receipt of the returned product equal to that purchased


Chess-store of Marsili's Company, with headquarters and administrative office in Via Borgo S.Iacopo 23 / r, Florence 50125 Italy Tel / Fax + 39 055 2645488, applies and is committed to compliance with the rules on privacy of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and related regulations in force.
Terms of Privacy and communications:
- Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 -
The data shown are from: from interested parties by computer or telephone. Are reserved to parties all the rights as per the applicable laws and regulations, for example, correction, integration, cancellation, etc.
Marsili 'Company reserves the right to deletion of data. By registering you will give your informed consent to Marsili's Company and you will enter in our database with full browse and purchase. You will also receive free informational newsletters.
The data provided will be treated in order to comply with the obligations provided for by law, regulations or Community legislation and in particular to give full effect to all contractual obligations, including for the following purposes: sending a periodic newsletter containing information and news about new products, sales and / or any promotions. The above can be performed using paper or computer and / or remote even by third parties for whom the knowledge of your personal information is necessary or useful to carry out the activity of Marsili's Company; in any case the treatment will take place with appropriate procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality.
In regard to the processing of your data, you may exercise the rights provided for by Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 "Code concerning the protection of personal data" published in the Official Gazette no. 174 of 29 July 2003, Ordinary Supplement no. 123. In order to exercise the rights under Art. 7 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data listed above, should be given a simple email request, in any form, in Marsili's Company.


In the case of the exclusive competence of the judicial authorities of Florence.

Customer Care
For technical support or expert advice on your purchase:
+39 328 0090798